
Terrell Owens Explains

I know the T.O. story broke yesterday, but the reports of the sequence of events was so sketchy and the nature of the accusations so serious, that I wanted to wait to hear more so I could form an intelligent opinion based off of some substance. You may be able to tell, I prefer not to post every juicy tidbit that sounds good just to herd people to the site. If the story sounds incomplete, or too far out I won't post nada until I hear more.

As of today, accounts that T.O.'s painkillers for his broken hand being paired with supplements he's been taking combined to make a dangerous cocktail that sent him to the hospital. Not hard to believe at all. So, now that more reported facts have leaked about T.O.'s alleged suicide attempt, I'm thinking that what it really could have been was just an honest mistake paired with bad judgment. We all experience stupid, senseless mishaps, but unfortunately when you're a public figure your little boo-boo gets blasted to the four ends of the earth, and named attempted suicide.

Click here to determine what happened straight from the mouth of T.O.

Daily Quota:

“Everything that I have done that the media sees as an obstacle, I have overcome it.”
-Terrell Owens