
"The Last King of Scotland" My Thumb's Up

Have you heard of the new movie, The Last King of Scotland? By now, you should have. Better yet, have you heard of the mad Ugandan dictator, Idi Amin? I can honestly say, I hadn't. At least not before whispers of this movie began circulating. The movie stars Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin, and Kerry Washington as one of Amin's many wives, Kay Amin. I had seen previews for the movie in the theater months ago, and simply dismissed the film due to my indifference for Whitaker's past work. I couldn't have been more wrong in writing this movie off.

The movie released in theaters Wednesday, but I had the pleasure of viewing a screening earlier this week. I can tell you with all conviction that this movie is charming, visually arresting, and entirely absorbing. If you're thinking of catching this flick, prepare to be schooled, enthralled, mortified, humored, aroused, and deeply saddened by the intimate look into the chaotic, two-sided life of a cunning, and murderous leader in 1970s Uganda.

Maybe it was his common appeal, coming from nothing, and working his way up the ranks in the army that was initially so endearing to the people. He sweet talked and charmed his way into Uganda's heart by assuring his followers that he was just like them, and shared the same hopes and dreams for his country. A bat of the eye, and Amin has become drunk with power as the duration of his rule becomes directly credited for the brutal tortures and horrific murders of nearly half million of his own countrymen. Prepare to see Whitaker in a light you've never seen him in until now. In fact, Whitaker was nowhere to be found in this movie, because Whitaker is Idi Amin.

Definitely worth any amount you'd have to pay for a ticket. Go see it, tell me what you think. Check out the pictures from one of the screenings here in L.A. this week.

Kerry Washington & Forest Whitaker

Great chemistry.