
Damon Wayans' 'N' Word Ban from L.A.'s Laugh Factory

Damon Wayans is being banned from performing at the Laugh Factory after using the 'N' word 16 times in his act on Saturday. After the public outrage caused by
Michael Richards' breakdown on the Laugh Factory stage just weeks ago when he used the word repeatedly as he referred to black audience members, a ban of the word was implemented by Laugh Factory owners. Damon Wayans went on stage Saturday night and used the word a total of sixteen times. Damon explained to the audience, "...this is part of our culture now...don't take that from us."

I'm glad he thinks he can speak on behalf of the whole culture when he says that, but whether or not it is a part of the culture - when did it become something that we take pride in? Thumbs down Damon.

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