
Melo Debuts New M3 Shoe at Shag In Hollywood

I was invited to attend the event at the plush and newly renovated club Shag in Hollywood last Thursday night. The shoe is Carmelo Anthony's third from the Jordan brand, and the third time is apparently the charm since this shoe has what Anthony described to be distinctive personal touches. My boyfriend accompanied me, and he too thought it was a very cool shoe. I had the opportunity to interview with Carmelo on behalf of EURweb.
Carmelo Anthony

I also had a chance to interview Mister Cartoon (tattoo artist to the stars). He confided in me that he's even secretly tatted one of R&B's hugest divas, whom shall remain nameless since I promised not to tell. Can you guess?
Click his name to check out his work, and celeb clientele.

Shawn Stockman (Boys II Men) and wife, Sharhonda Stockman

Rosie Perez

Bill Bellamy

Click HERE to read my EUR coverage from the event.